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Access Instructions for Webinars and eSchools

Our webinars and eSchools use various platforms including Adobe Connect, Pheedloop Meet & Stream, and Zoom. All of these platforms are web conferencing technology that allow for live virtual meetings. Whether this is your first time attending a webinar or eSchool, or you simply need a refresher, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions below.

To attend, you will need a computer, tablet or mobile device with a strong internet connection. Details regarding your registration will be emailed 24 hours prior to the event and will identlify the specific platform in which your session will be presented. If you register for a webinar or eSchool on the day of the event, please call 800-356-9655 or email for assistance.

Recorded Event

All registrations include credit union access to a recording of this event. Recorded events are available within 48 hours of the live event. Recorded events can be accessed by logging into My Account using your CUNA website username and password.

Pheedloop Meet & Stream System Requirements 

Unlike a traditional venue for a live event, virtual events have made laptops, tablets, smartphones, and more the venue! With so many options for hardware and software to choose from, along with the connectivity that goes along with them, we have a few recommendations for event planners and attendees to help them achieve the best performance when using PheedLoop's tech.

Optimal Setup

A general rule of thumb is that any modern browser and high-speed internet connection is all that's really needed to run PheedLoop itself. The best setup we've found is using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop machine, with an internet connection offering at least 5 Mbps download speed. You can test your internet speed here. We've found Google Chrome is most compatible with third-party plugins that events sometimes tend to integrate PheedLoop with.

Supported Browsers

Any major, modern browser is supported. This includes Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and even Microsoft Edge. We cannot guarantee the same if a third-party integration is being used in PheedLoop, but we've rarely found browser incompatibility issues if a modern version of any of the aforementioned browsers is being used.

Note that Internet Explorer is not a supported browser due to it being incompatible with modern web performance and security standards

Device Types

PheedLoop's virtual event system is best experienced on a laptop or desktop device, though it is responsive and compatible with tablets and smartphones. Tablets and smartphones are best suited for view-only experiences, as PheedLoop relies on several technologies that are best compatible with full browsers (e.g. video chats through PheedLoop Meet). As a point of reference, our statistics show that 95% of virtual event attendees use laptop or desktop devices. If you are using the Zoom integration, it is currently not compatible with mobile devices (Zoom has said a future update to their software will better support mobile devices).


Everybody has different browser configurations and network settings/restrictions which, in extreme cases, may warrant trying a different browser and/or network just to have a clean environment to engage with PheedLoop through. In case something isn't working, to isolate the root cause, we often suggest trying:

  1. Private/incognito window in your browser
  2. Different browser (see Supported Browsers above)
  3. Disabling any operating system level VPNs or firewalls which may be blocking a specific website
  4. Different network
  5. Different computer

If you continue to experience an issue after trying these options, please get in touch with us and share a full-screen screenshot.

 Windows & Mac OS

  • Latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome
  • Tablet/computer speakers or telephone
  • Wired internet connection recommended 
  • Ensure that you have the latest version of the Adobe Connect Add-in downloaded
  • Work with your IT department to make sure these ports are open on your server: Port 80, Port 443.


 Please Note: Recorded playback is not supported by the Adobe Connect Mobile App, as well as some pods including the downloadable handout pod.

  • Close email and IM programs not being used.
  • Close any VPN connections or other programs that lower bandwidth.
  • Log in to the webinar room 15 minutes early to ensure you have a successful connection.
  • Do your best to minimize distractions by turning off radios, cell phones and other sources of noise.
  • If possible, close your door and/or let your colleagues know you’re participating in a CUNA webinar.
  • Remember, you can ask a question at any time via the attendee chat pod. The speaker may not answer right away, but we will make sure all questions are answered.
  • Help us maximize everyone’s experience by staying involved – please participate in any polls and/or questions asked by the speaker.

Q: Why didn’t I receive an invitation to my registered event?

  • Your email invitation will be sent the day  prior to the live event, as well as the morning of the event. If you register for a webinar or eSchool on the day of the event, please call 800-356-9655 ext. 4249 or email for assistance.

 Q: How do I log in to to the event platform?

  • You will receive a link to the webinar room with the email invitation one day in advance which will include a log in link and credentials if they are necessary. For Adobe, after clicking the link, login as a guest and type your first and last name to enter the room.

 Q: I am logged in via my computer but can’t hear anything. What do I do?

  • If you are early and the meeting hasn’t started yet, the audio portion may not be connected yet. If the webinar is already in progress and you still can’t hear anything, please check your computer to be sure your speaker volume is turned up. Often, refreshing your screen, or logging out and back in will resolve the issue as well.

 Q: The meeting audio isn’t consistent (fades/choppy). Is there anything I can do to improve it?

  • Occasionally you may hear breaks in the audio; these are due to temporary bandwidth issues between your location and the platform server. The sound will come through again shortly and there will be no loss of “content” – just momentary breaks in the audio stream.

 Q: I hear an echo – what do I do?

  • An echo occurs in Adobe Connect if you have the meeting room open multiple times. Please close any extra Adobe Connect windows.

 Q: The presentation slides are difficult to see.

  • You can make the PowerPoint full screen by clicking on the four-arrow icon in the top right corner of the presentation slides.

 Q. How can I get a copy of the presentation?

  • A PDF copy of the presentation will most often be provided in the email invitation. However, it can always be located in the webinar room, as well as with the recording.

 Q: Will the webinar be recorded?

  • Most CUNA webinars and eSchools are recorded and made available for 12 months. The recording is made available to all registered attendees within 48 hours after the live event takes place and can be found by logging into My Account, then My Downloads using your CUNA website username and password. 

For any questions regarding CUNA webinars and eSchools, please email